Secondary animation is a "Web Design Secret" that many premium websites (and website templates) use.


This principle was coined by Disney animators in the book "The Illusion of Life". The animators noticed that just moving an object doesn’t “sell” the animation. However, adding another animation driven by the main one makes it come alive. Same applies for web animations.

Say we add an unmasking movement for our images using Webflow interactions and on top of that a scale down animation with a short delay, to make it seem related to the main animation. With both animations in effect, it makes the image reveal effect feel more premium.

Webflow template with secondary animations

The template demonstrated in the video is Sicko - Website Agency Template for Webflow.

Screenshot of the Webflow template called Sicko
Sicko - Website Agency Template

Using Webflow interactions for the animation

The mask layer is placed atop the image layer
The mask layer should be placed atop the image layer

The masking frame

First, add a Div above the image layer. It will be absolute positioned ablove the image.

  • Div class name: mask-frame
  • Fit: Contain
  • Position: Absolute [Bottom position, which means 0% on right, left and bottom, and the top on Auto]
  • Color: Your background color
  • Opacity: 0%
  • Events: None

Create the Interaction for the mask

  • Choose When Scrolled into View.
  • Start a new animation, and call it Mask
  • Optional: Add an Offset of 10%

The class of mask-frame will start with:

  • Opacity: 100%
  • Size: 100% Height

Will animate to:

  • Opacity: 100%
  • Size: Width 100%, Height 0%.

Both with a 0.4s delay, duration of 0.5s and regular linear easing.

The image frame

I'm using an image from a collection, but you can add an image manually.

  • Image class name: project-img

Create the scaledown effect interaction for the image

It will scale from 140% to 100%.

  • Choose When Scrolled into View.
  • Start a new animation, and call it Project Image
  • Optional: Add an Offset of 25%

The class of the image will start with:

  • Scale: 1.4 to the X and Y axis

Will animate to:

  • Scale: 1 to the X and Y axis
  • Delay of 0.2s and Duration of 0.8s
  • Easing: In Expo
Scale image down to 100%
Scale down to 100%

And that's it!

Web Design Secrets, Part 8: Figma Playground
Web Design Secrets, Part 7: Huge Graphics
Web Design Secrets, Part 6: Gradient Headings
Web Design Secrets, Part 5: Bento girds
Web Design Secrets, Part 4: Mouse Follower
Web Design Secrets, Part 3: Secondary Animation
Web Design Secrets, Part 2: Staggered Text Reveal Animation
Web Design Secrets, Part 1: Smooth Scrolling
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