This post/video started when I read an article by Neural DSP called How to get a good bass tone. And the headings are centered, with an orphan word hanging.

Title says "How to get a good bass tone", with word tone orphaned from the rest

It reminds me that when I built Elementor's homepage I had to manually enter line breaks to match the design:

H1 tag from Elementor’s homepage. The title says “Create a Website (line break) Design Your Future” with a <br> tag in between lines.
H1 tag from Elementor’s homepage

Never add manual line break tags (<br>) to your headings!

Balance all your headlines

If you want your headlines to balance automatically you can apply this CSS code to all headlines, and bring balance to the force:

h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
    text-wrap: balance;

Use a class to balance specific headlines

You can also apply a class to specific headlines:

.balance {
    text-wrap: balance;

Use a class to balance and center headings

And if you want to center it, then:

  1. Set the amount of characters to your width (or any unit you see fit). I use 20ch for 20 characters wide.
  2. Then use margin auto to the left and right sides. Instead of using margin-right or margin-left use margin-inline-start and margin-inline-end respectively
.balance {
    text-wrap: balance;
    max-inline-size: 20ch;
    margin-inline-start: auto;
    margin-inline-end: auto;
    text-align: center;

You can also use heading levels (h1, h2 etc.) instead of a class.

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Web Design Secrets, Part 2: Staggered Text Reveal Animation
Web Design Secrets, Part 1: Smooth Scrolling
How to add "Paper" to your web design
Relume AI Website Builder
No more unbalanced headlines in your design
Fill text on scroll with GSAP and ScrollTrigger
Design Better Countdown Timers
Emoji Confetti
Text Stroke Effect
Stretched letter effect using variable fonts

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