This post/video started when I read an article by Neural DSP called How to get a good bass tone. And the headings are centered, with an orphan word hanging.
It reminds me that when I built Elementor's homepage I had to manually enter line breaks to match the design:
Never add manual line break tags (<br>) to your headings!
Balance all your headlines
If you want your headlines to balance automatically you can apply this CSS code to all headlines, and bring balance to the force:
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {
text-wrap: balance;
Use a class to balance specific headlines
You can also apply a class to specific headlines:
.balance {
text-wrap: balance;
Use a class to balance and center headings
And if you want to center it, then:
- Set the amount of characters to your width (or any unit you see fit). I use 20ch for 20 characters wide.
- Then use margin auto to the left and right sides. Instead of using margin-right or margin-left use margin-inline-start and margin-inline-end respectively
.balance {
text-wrap: balance;
max-inline-size: 20ch;
margin-inline-start: auto;
margin-inline-end: auto;
text-align: center;
You can also use heading levels (h1, h2 etc.) instead of a class.